Sunday, September 27, 2009

Note: Using Apps from two Apple Store ID's

I recently set up homesharing on all my computers on my local network. This allowed me to share music, podcasts, and even apps for iphone on all the machines. I explained how this could be achieved in a previous blog, using two different Apple store accounts and three different computers running different Mac OS X and iTunes 9.

In the process of homesharing, I decided to copy an app that my husband purchased on his iphone using his Apple store account, to my iTunes library and applications tab. This was successful.

We both upgraded our iPhones to the new 3GS versions over the past few days. I activated my iPhone 3GS loading all my current info from my first generation iPhone backup.

Once, I had set up my new iPhone with the information from the previous iPhone, I decided to download a new app. I noticed that I had an update notice for a current app on my iPhone. That app was the one that I had copied from my husband's iTunes application tab to my applications tab that I use to update and sync with my iPhone. When I selected to update this app on the new 3GS iPhone, it requested the password for my husband's account. Once I entered the password the application became updated and available for me to use on my iPhone.

I can now share the applications that my husband purchased on my iPhone. Interesting ...

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