Monday, September 21, 2009

iPhone Users Control Party Mix

How to: Use iTunes DJ and Remote App on iPhone

iTunes has a feature called ‘iTunes DJ’, which allows a user to create and run a playlist on a computer on a local network. Other network users can connect to the network, choose songs to be played and to vote on selections to be played. I have my network setup using an Airport Express, so that I can play my iTunes through speakers in my living room and on my outside deck. We can use iTunes DJ, to pre-select a party playlist and allow our guests with iPhones and Remote app to control the playlist.

To use the iTunes DJ, make sure that you have checked ‘iTunes DJ’, in the iTunes Preferences, General Tab options.

Select ‘iTunes DJ’ to randomly generate list from Music library or playlists in your library. ‘iTunes DJ’ is located under ‘Playlists’ on the left-hand side of the iTunes Window.

Select ’Source’ pop-down menu in the lower left-side of the playlist window to select to generate the iTunes DJ playlist from the entire Music library or from the playlists or Genius Mixes or Playlists.

Then select ‘Settings’ in the lower right hand corner of the list window. Options to display can be selected for ‘number of songs recently played’ and ‘upcoming songs’, as well as option ‘play higher rated songs more often’. Guest can be allowed to ‘request songs with Remote for iPhone or iPod Touch’ , a greeting message can be entered and voting can be enabled to give guests control over when songs play. Password can be entered.

Guests can access voting and requesting of songs from their iPhone or iPod Touch, ‘Remote’ app. First they launch the ‘Remote’ app, then select the ‘iTunes DJ’ option from the remote app settings menu. The name of the playlist and description should appear and this is selected.

The current playing song will appear on the device. A dialog button on the remote, will allow the user to ‘Request a Song’.

The user can then select a song that he wishes to add to the playlist, from the list of the songs given.

The upper left-most arrow will allow the user to view the current playlist and may tap on the ‘heart’ next to the song to vote for, as the votes increase the songs with more votes move up the playlist.

If voting is not enabled, the songs that are requested are added to the list as requested.

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