I have been having a problem logging into the App Store on my MacBook Air to perform updates. The problem started after my husband had logged onto my account and downloaded and app that he wanted to use on my machine.
I may have updated some of my apps while still logged into the App Store under his Apple ID. Anyway, I tried logging out of his account and back into my account and that is when the problem started. Basically, when I typed my Apple ID and password into the sign in page, the spinning wheel appeared and remained.
I called Applecare the first time this happened and when the technician suggested I log in and out - it worked fine. Go figure that. So, things went along merrily, until the other day when I decided to check for updates again. My husband's ID came up - I logged out of that account and then tried to log into my account. "Spinning Wheel" again.
Tried various things, nothing seemed to work. Then I tried the following:
I selected the "Quick Links" section under Top Charts and then clicking "Account". I logged into that form without problem. I then returned to the Updates screen and all the updates started loading and installing. Go figure. Vaguely this was the same sequence that the technician suggested. My other attempts (if memory serves me correctly) was to go to "sign in" first.
I will report back here, should I get a spinning wheel again and verify that this works a second time or not.
May be
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