Monday, June 03, 2024

Hallelujah - Disklavier app for my Mark IV working again!

I noticed an update to the Disklavier controller app for iPhone and Mark IV today.  This update notification came on a version  I had loaded on my MacBook Pro with M1 chip.  When I checked on my iPhone the app wasn't listed as an update. So, I deleted the app from my iPhone and then searched for it on the application app for iPhone and reloaded it. 

I was excited that the app loaded with the screen to allow for searching for my piano.  Unfortunately, the search didn't work after a minute or so.  

I then re-booted my piano and that didn't work either. 

Then I noticed that the AirPort Express connecting my piano to my router was blinking yellow. So I unplugged the AirPort Express and waited a few minutes. and replugged it in.  It turned green.

I then shut down my Mark IV and restarted it so it could connect.

That worked!  I now can control my piano again from my iPhone.


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