Monday, October 12, 2009

Changing and Viewing Permissions from Finder

On occasion, my husband and I exchange files via our dropboxes on the Mac.  Inevitably if I want to change a file or copy a file, it seems that the 'Permissions' have not been granted for me to do so.   Basically, when this happens, it is necessary to change the permissions on the file or folder.  This can be done from the finder, by the user who owns or is sharing the file.  Here are the steps necessary to change or view permissions from the finder:

Select the folder or file in the Finder.

Using the cmd I, to get info or ‘Get Info’ from the File Menu (from Finder)

Choose ‘Sharing and Permissions’ pop-down menu to view the various permissions that are allowable for that folder of file.  Click on the lock in lower right hand corner of the Get Info window, so that the lock is open.

Type in the Administrators Name and password, to allow changes to be made.

Next using the pop-up menus for ‘Privileges’ in the second column next to each user’s name, select from the options allowed.

To set the privileges to be applied to all enclosed items (folders, files) within a folder, select the ‘Gear Icon’ pop-down menu.   Select option, and then click OK when the alert box appears to apply to all enclosed items.

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