Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Change Permissions for Folder and Contents

If you have a folder (and all its contents) on your desktop that you wish to change the permissions for read/write for someone else to edit, this can be easily done by following the steps below:

(1) Click on the folder

(2) Using cmd I bring up the Get Info window for that folder

(3) If the folder is locked (indicated by a closed lock in the lower right hand corner of the Get Info Window), unlock it by clicking on it, entering your Apple username and password that you use as an Admin for your computer.

(4) Click on the Sharing & Preferences down arrow to reveal "names" and "priviledges"

(5) Next select the name of the "guest" or "everyone" or person listed in the list of those you share this file with.

(6) Select the appropriate level of priviledge, either read only, write only or read & write

(7) Next select the "gear icon" in the lower left-hand corner and set to "apply to enclosed items"

(8) Lock your folder if you do not wish others to change these permissions for this folder.

That's it!

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