Tuesday, September 07, 2010

NasaTweetup - What an Exciting Experience

It is with the deepest regret that I must notify you today, that I will NOT be able to attend the Nasa Tweetup to view the STS-133 Space Shuttle Launch.  

I have visited KSC twice and once to view a space shuttle launch from the causeway.  That launch was canceled due to weather restraints.  I was able to see a Titan Missile launch from KSC on my first visit, as well as take the tour of the KSC loop to view all the educational and magnificent space buildings and features. 

I am 63 years old and have grown up with the Space Program, in fact, it was because of the Sputnik launch in 1957, that the National Science Foundation and their interest in encouraging our young to pursue science and math in school, that I was funneled into math and science throughout my educational years.  I received a degree in Math and CS minor from University of Texas in 1969. 

I taught math and science in high school for a few years in Texas and Utah.  I started my own computer software company in early 1980's writing Engineering and statistical software and selling it world wide for both Macintosh and PC platforms.  I also had the opportunity to do some programs for a company that used a computer to drive a mechanical robot device that cutout parts for the 'booster rockets'. 

I have always had an interest in Nasa and the space program.   Unfortunately I will not be able to make this trip to Florida for the viewing.  I know that those that do will experience something very thrilling and memorable.  I have been fortunate in my life to have many such experiences:  visiting Antarctica seeing penguins and visiting Palmer Research Center, visiting Churchill on the Hudson Bay to view the Polar Bears, flying on the Air France Concorde and many more adventurous places in my travels since retiring.

It is nice to know that possibly someone who has not had the opportunity of this magnitude may be selected in my place to witness such an exciting and once in a lifetime experience.

Granny_Joan (Twitter)

There are multiple ways you can follow the Tweetup and the launch:
·         Follow the launch and the Tweetup on Twitter at @NASA and @NASATweetup. We have created a Twitter list of those who are confirmed to attend. You can view the list and follow them at http://twitter.com/nasatweetup/sts-133-launch. You can follow the conversation using the hashtag #NASATweetup. You also can follow along in NASA's Buzzroom at: http://buzzroom.nasa.gov.
·         Don't forget to follow STS-133 crew member @Astro_Nicole!
·         On Oct. 31, NASA will use UStream to broadcast the first two hours of the Tweetup at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nasa-television. We will announce the start time of the broadcast on @NASATweetup.
·         Launch coverage will be provided on NASA Television and online at http://www.nasa.gov/ntv.
·         Photos will be posted online during and/or after the event at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nasahqphoto.

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